Michele Carminati

Politecnico di Milano

Postdoctoral Researcher & Co-founder of Banksealer

Michele received his Ph.D. degree cum laude in Information Technology from Politecnico di Milano in Italy, where he is currently a Contract Professor and a Postdoctoral Researcher working as part of the System Security group inside the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria.

His research revolves around the application of machine learning methods to various cybersecurity-related fields, ranging from cyber-physical and automotive systems to binary analysis, going through fraud and intrusion detection. In particular, his research focuses mainly on the financial fraud detection task, where he worked on the analysis of advanced financial threats such as banking Trojans, on the design of frameworks to identify and timely detect fraudulent transactions, and on the security evaluation of detection systems against adversarial machine learning attacks.

He is actively involved in research projects funded by the European Union, and he is also co-founder of Banksealer, a Fintech spinoff of Politecnico di Milano.