Tim Blazytko


Binary Security Researcher / Co-Founder


Tim Blazytko @mr_phrazer is a well-known binary security researcher and co-founder of emproof. After working on novel methods for code deobfuscation, fuzzing and root cause analysis during his PhD, Tim now builds code obfuscation schemes tailored to embedded devices. Moreover, he gives trainings on reverse engineering & code deobfuscation, analyzes malware and performs security audits.

What students say about this training:

From Tim’s past HITB training

  • Trainer’s Overall Score: 96%
  • Trainees’ Overall Feedback:

Would you recommend this class, or attend other classes by this trainer?
“I would absolutely recommend others take this class or any other classes taught by Tim”

“Yes, I would definitely recommend this class to any reverse engineers wanting to advance their skills, and I would attend other classes by this trainer.”

“Absolutely recommend this class. It has met and exceed all my expectations!”

What part of this course did you find most useful and interesting?
“I found all of it very interesting. The most useful parts to me were the coding/reversing exercises. That really helps to cement my understanding of the topics discussed”

“The latter part, dealing with the automation of analysis, [where we were] applying the theory of techniques covered earlier on”

“It is very difficult to fault any component of this course, its appears as a very mature and well refined project. Tim is clearly very passionate on the subjects and that is portrayed through the material and delivery.”

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